Registration Information

Please make sure to select the correct answer as there will be no options to change this selection in the future.
Writers will be required to produce a government ID before gaining access to write the exam. The name on the ID must match the name registered. For example Joe VS Joseph, Meg VS Megan or if the writer goes by a more “common North American” name, the name on their government ID must be the one used to register.

Special Accommodations

Be sure to read the Accommodation Handbook for exam writers before you complete your registration. It can be found here: Requests for pre-existing conditions that are made following the registration deadline will not be accepted. If yes, please complete the NKE Accommodation Request Form and submit to at the time of registration.

Mandatory Courses

You must have a completion date or waiver date for each of the mandatory courses. For completed courses, you must also provide a copy of your certificate in a PDF format.

#1. Accounting and Financial Management

#2. Human Resources Management

#3. Industrial Relations

#4. Organizational Behaviour

#5. Recruitment and Selection

#6. Strategic Compensation

#7. Strategic Human Resources Planning

#8. Training and Development

#9. Occupational Health and Safety